
Agriculture Ministry certifies disease free farms

May 17, 2019 12:42 pm

Dr. Mahendra Reddy

The Agriculture Ministry has five programs in place to eradicate Brucellosis and Tuberculosis.

Programs are also in place to assist infected farms in rehabilitation.

Minister responsible, Dr. Mahendra Reddy says they’re currently undertaking a nationwide testing program to establish disease-free farms and certify them in different areas.

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Dr. Reddy says farmers will be able to buy disease-free animals from these certified farms.

“These farms will also become a source of animals for other farms who could buy from these farms. The farms will be certified and the animals will be certified and then the other farms where these animals will go we will try to fence of that particular farm.”

Dr. Reddy says the Ministry is also undertaking an Embryo transplant in cattle.

This is to help farms restock after their cattle were affected by brucellosis and tuberculosis.