
Huge responsibility for Fiji Pearls coach

March 14, 2021 11:03 am

The Fiji Pearls need to sharpen some basic skills like passing.

The National side had its first training session yesterday with head coach Jenny Brazel who noted down areas she need to work on.

Getting down to business Brazel says there is a lot of potential in this young team.

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“They worked really hard, lots of chats, lots of communication so got to see their skills and some of their other skills this morning with the drills that we are doing”

Having seen these players in action, the new coach says she is optimistic about what the Pearls can achieve under her guidance.

“Some great athletes here, they’re very strong, agile, definitely a great core of athletes and to work towards being a strong Fiji pearls team”

With her experience in all areas of high performance Brazel will be an asset to the Fiji Pearl squad.