
Two teens caught with illicit drugs

March 3, 2024 4:34 pm

[Source: Fiji Police Force/ Facebook]

Police has disclosed ongoing investigations into two cases involving teenagers found in possession of illicit drugs.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations Livai Driu has reported on two separate incidents under investigation by police.

In the first case, a 17-year-old student was discovered with dried leaves suspected to be marijuana on school premises. Nausori Police are actively looking into this case.

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Meanwhile, in Lautoka, another case involves white substances believed to be cocaine found on school premises, allegedly belonging to another 17-year-old student.

ACP Driu mentions that these substances have been sent for analysis.

Emphasizing the importance of parental communication, ACP Driu urges parents and guardians to engage with their children about the severe consequences of drug use and the potential dangers of harmful substances.

He stresses the necessity of consistent reminders to children regarding the detrimental impacts drugs can have on their health, education and future.

ACP Driu adds that drug-related arrests and seizures have persisted across the five policing divisions in the past week.

A Fiji Detector Dog Unit is actively involved in drug operations in the Northern Division.