
Rabuka invites every Fijian to shape the nation's story

January 1, 2024 7:55 am

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has urged every Fijian to be author of the book titled “Fiji: 2024 and Beyond.”

In his New Year’s message, the Prime Minister says the New Year should embody both optimism and excitement, tempered with a sense of caution.

Rabuka attributed this caution to the global uncertainties and volatility, factors that, although beyond Fiji’s control, pose significant challenges to the nation as a small island developing state.

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He emphasized the importance of faith and unity, asserting that only through collective effort can Fiji address the adversities it faces.

The Prime Minister elaborated on the country’s current situation and his coalition government’s plans.

He says that a new chapter is unfolding in Fiji’s complex history.

“Our aim was to hasten Fiji’s journey of recovery with the assistance of the views and ideas of this cross section of the citizenry. More specifically, the objective was to stabilize and manage the massive debt we had inherited.”

Rabuka stressed that crafting this new chapter requires the participation of every Fijian, not just those in leadership roles.

Reflecting on the Coalition’s assumption of power last December, Rabuka recalled Fiji’s emergence from 16 years of restrictive, dictatorial governance.

He noted that this challenging period is now in the past.

Furthermore, Rabuka highlighted the state of disrepair in infrastructure, including roads, water supplies, and medical facilities, attributing this to prolonged neglect and financial mismanagement.

He also pointed out the economic challenges Fiji faced such as significant debt, low investor confidence, and consequently, reduced investments.

The Prime Minister acknowledged the Coalition Government’s commitment to the extensive task of national reconstruction.

He emphasized the challenges ahead, emphasizing that true recovery will be a gradual process.