
Proper planning and monitoring critical: Prasad

September 24, 2023 7:19 am

Professor Biman Prasad [2nd from left] during his tour to Vuda Abattoir earlier this week [Source: Fiji Government]

The Finance Minister has reiterated that proper planning, proper monitoring and evaluation of activities and projects as provided for in the budget will ensure that delivery is effective, efficient and timely.

He highlighted this during his tour to Vuda Abattoir earlier this week.

Professor Biman Prasad says the purpose of the visit is to gather vital information and insights to support the endeavors of the National Planning Office in shaping economic policies related to the agriculture and food processing industry.

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“As a government we want to make sure that we not only look at every sector of the economy big or small they all contribute to the economy. We link the abattoir, link the work that you do to the overall framework that we are trying to put forward in terms of the development of agriculture, it’s part of our strategy to ensure that we diversify our economy.”

Professor Biman Prasad [middle] during his tour to Vuda Abattoir earlier this week [Source: Fiji Government]

During the visit, the Minister had the opportunity to tour the facilities and engage in discussions with the management, staff, and workers, delving into the operational, financial, and technological aspects of the abattoir.

Discussions primarily focused on understanding the abattoir’s current production capacity, market trends, supply chain challenges, and investment requirements for further development and enhancement.

He says the insights gathered will play a vital role in formulating informed policies that support the growth and sustainability of the nation’s agricultural sector.