
PM may not be getting full disclosures: Radrodro

January 23, 2024 6:24 am

SODELPA Party Member Aseri Radrodro

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro has pleaded with Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka to be more cautious to advise rendered to him.

Radrodro claims those who maybe advising the PM may not be providing full disclosures of work being carried out by the ministers in their line of duty.

Radrodro says he is baffled by the reasons given by Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka for his termination

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Radrodro says when he received his termination letter on Friday evening he could only suspect that it was to do with the appointments of the Fiji National University Council and its Chair.

He claims his termination letter simply stated that he was being terminated from the Ministers appointment for Ministry of Education, however it failed to provide a reason why.

“Yesterday, I finally learnt of the reasons behind my termination via the press conference of the Prime Minister to the nation at 5pm. It is now clear that my termination is relating to the appointments of Council Members and the Chancellor and Chairperson of the Fiji National University Council.”

During a press conference yesterday afternoon, Radrodro gave a detailed account of what transpired after he terminated FNU’s four Council Members Dr Kesaia Seniloli; Peter Zinck; Robin Nair; and Priscilla Puamau in May 2023.

Radrodro says he has also provided the sequence of events that occurred in relation to the FNU matter to the PM through his correspondence this morning.

The SODELPA members says he has also requested that his termination as the Minister of Education in the Coalition Government be rescinded, and this matter be noted as a miscommunication from various parties involved.

“In summary, I am hoping for good sense to happen as it must be accepted that it is unlawful to terminate someone who is upholding the law, no matter how difficult or frustrating that may look like. This is what all Honorable Ministers must take heed of as precedent is being set in my position and as the Coalition Government that promised change, we cannot be seen to be doing the exact behaviour we all fought hard to change.”

Radrodro further states that this matter provides good lessons for the government MPs moving forward to dialogue as Leaders in good faith and to remove any personal biases that may cloud their good judgment.


He has also apologized to Fijians as they are preparing their children for the new academic year.