
Over 258, 000 Fijians living in poverty

February 9, 2021 12:31 pm

A little over 258, 000 Fijians are living in poverty.

The Household Income and Expenditure Survey for 2019-2020 estimates the official national poverty headcount is 29.9 percent or about 45,724 households.

The National Basic Needs Poverty Line for an adult per year is over $2,179 or $41.91 per week.

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The report released today reveals that about 62.2% of the poor reside in rural areas.

The average annual household income for 2019-20 was $26, 249, with the median at $20, 727 per household.

The average annual household expenditure was $11, 961 per household or $3,678 per average earner.

The estimates are based on the information reported by a representative sample of 6, 000 households.