
Contraceptives are available: Dr Waqainabete

December 2, 2020 12:40 pm

Ministry of Health and Medical Services says Fijians cannot have good sexual health in the absence of good reproductive health, and vice versa.

The Ministry of Health says Fijians cannot have good sexual health in the absence of good reproductive health, and vice versa.

Minister Dr Ifereimi Waqainabete says there is a move to integrate the two programmes into Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

Dr Waqainabete says no girl child should ever leave school or commit suicide because she is pregnant.

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He adds contraceptives are available for youth while they complete high school and tertiary education.

“I take this opportunity to remind you to take responsibility for your lives. Practice safe sex as the health facilities and staffs stand ready to support you in your journey for a healthy adulthood.”

Dr Waqainabete says the United Nations Fund for Population Activities has been playing an instrumental part by supplying free contraceptives to Fiji.