
Eid is about unity and solidarity: Maulana Aleem

April 11, 2024 12:17 pm

Samabula Mosque Head Priest Abdul Aleem says that Eid is a time where people unite to celebrate and let go of shortcomings and problems.

Muslims across Fiji are in a festive mood today as they celebrate the much-anticipated Eid festivities.

Maulana Aleem says Eid celebrations mark the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.

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“It is a perfect way to remember Allah, God almighty. Remembering all those that are in this world and thinking about all those who don’t have anything.”

Maualana Aleem says that during the month of Ramadan, they fast and renew their spiritual connection.

They also commit to helping the needy and less fortunate.

To mark this occasion, there will be feasting and sharing of sweets among Fijians of all faiths.