Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry
Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry has expressed skepticism at the coalition statement that a review commission will be set up to review the 2013 Constitution.
Cabinet this week decided that a Bill amending Chapter 11 of the 2013 Constitution which sets out provisions for amendments will be tabled in Parliament.
Chaudhry says he doesn’t think this government is going to get anything of substance done before its term is up and it becomes history.
Chaudhry adds that it promised Municipal and Growers Council elections within the first 100 days in office – but the government is into its third year and we’re waiting.
He claims that progress on its Truth and Reconciliation Commission seems to be in a state of paralysis with nothing much done to give it form.
Chaudhry says the government promised investigations into the general election glitches but have been stalled under one pretext or another.
The Labour Leader further states that the coalition government can’t even handle ‘renegades’ within its own ranks as the events of the last six months have explicitly shown.
He adds there does not seem to be a Prime Minister in control.
Chaudhry questioned if Fiji really need another Constitution Review Commission when work on it has already been done by the Ghai Commission.
He suggests using the draft Ghai Constitution for public consultation.
The problem is that this government has too many vested interest groups within it, influencing its agenda away from the public good to that of serving its own ‘privileged’ class says Chaudhry.