
BAT honours 100 farmers

March 8, 2024 2:41 pm

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Trade Minister Manoa Kamikamica says the government has created a working group called the “Commercial Agriculture Taskforce” that will focus on bringing in investors to the agriculture sector.

Speaking at the third Annual Star Farmer Incentive Awards by British American Tobacco in Nadi, Kamikamica says the Taskforce will look at ways to diversify and expand the agriculture sector.

At the incentive awards BAT recognised the work of over 100 farmers.

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Kamikamica thanked British American Tobacco’s on-going commitment towards supporting its contracted farmers who are the backbone of the tobacco industry in Fiji.

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He says by conducting training and providing farming equipment and supplies, it has set forth a cycle of continuous growth with farmers being equipped with the latest farming practices and technology.

The Minister says a perfect example of farming practices is the use of organic fertilizer and hydroponics systems which are 100 percent healthy and organic and found to be of high quality.

[Source: Supplied]

He adds the skills and knowledge attained through these training can be replicated through other crops during the tobacco off season thus ensuring farmers are not financially affected.