
Appointment of COMPOL on course: PM

June 6, 2024 6:45 am

Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka

Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka says they have called for applications for the Commissioner of Police position, and the applications will be processed after they determine the legal status of the former Police Commissioner.

Rabuka says they have set a process, and there is no problem with the appointment of the Commissioner of Police.

“It could have come back to the Constitutional Office of the Commission because that’s where the complaint came in. We gave that to a Tribunal. The Tribunal has reported back and the legal authorities have come back to advice on the status of the former Commissioner in relation to the conviction recorded.”

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Rabuka has refuted claims that the appointment of a new Commissioner of Police has been notified to the President, saying that they are not aware and the advice should stem from him as the Chair of the Constitutional Offices Commission.

He also believes that the newly appointed AG would expedite pending matters within the government, including the appointment of a new Police Commissioner.

Juki Fong Chew has been serving as Acting Commissioner of Police for over a year, after the suspension of former Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho.