Attorney General Graham Leung [Photo: Supplied]
Attorney General Graham Leung has emphasized the appropriate application of freedom of expression that has been restored by the Coalition Government.
He says individuals should ensure that they exercise their fundamental human right in a responsible manner, while the government strives to uphold democracy.
Leung says a lot has changed since the change of power after the 2022 General Election.
“There’s a lot more freedom. There’s nobody, hopefully, turning up your door at 10 o’clock at night with a search warrant. There’s nobody checking your tax files from 20 years ago, trying to unearth dirt on you that could be the subject of a criminal charge.”
Leung says Fijians should take advantage of the transformation to foster growth in society.
“Now nation building starts from a small seed, but when you plant that seed and you nurture it, you fertilize it, it can grow into a much larger tree that you could ever imagine. And I think small acts of kindness go a long way.”
The Attorney General advises Fijians to remain grounded even though they now have the liberty to freely express themselves.