
Workshop to deal with changing landscape

February 13, 2024 3:54 pm

[File Photo]

Top executives from the private and public sectors attended a workshop yesterday to look at ways to improve their abilities in light of the changing business landscape.

With a focus on good governance, finance, risk management, and strategy oversight, the program sought to equip directors with the knowledge successfully operate in the current business environment.

Workshop consultant David Evans says business owners need to recognize the nature of their roles and adapt accordingly.

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“It is a changing landscape, and I think directors today need to be on top of things. And today is an opportunity to discuss and think about those changes and how, as directors, they can be ahead of the game.”

Co-consultant Jenny Seeto

Co-consultant Jenny Seeto emphasizes the need for comprehending and reducing risk.

“Well, cyber security, you talk about technology. Cybersecurity is certainly a big issue. And we are not immune from cyber security attacks in Fiji. So we’ve got to be aware of the risks that our organizations face and know what these risks are and how to mitigate these risks.”

Workshop consultant David Evans

The Fiji Board Governance Workshop exemplifies a proactive approach by directors in addressing emerging issues and upholding the highest standards of governance.