
Youth assist residents of an informal settlement

January 9, 2024 4:04 pm

The Youth Ministry of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Namara, Labasa showcased an act of kindness as they intervened to address the intrusion of seawater into residences at an informal settlement in their vicinity.

This has been a longstanding issue for this settlement, located near a mangrove swamp.

Head Elder, Isoa Valamalua says this is in line with their five-year motto “I Will Go” which calls on members to reach out to people who require assistance.

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Valamalua says their assistance was timely, as the issue has escalated over the years.

“Well, as you can see under the floor there … the sea water is coming and is doing a lot of damage on the timber on the floor. So, that is why we are trying to put the soil trying to make the foundation better so that they can improve their living condition in this house.”

[Head Elder, Isoa Valamalua]

The 40-member Youth Ministry plans to reach out to other communities in the near future.

It aspires to be proactive than reactive to issues faced by people in their neighbourhood.