
Parents thankful for $200 assistance

January 10, 2024 11:32 am

The capital city is buzzing with activity as the government disbursed the first round of $40.2 million in back-to-school assistance.

Hundreds of parents flocked to M-PAiSA outlets nationwide to do their back-to-school shopping since the $200 Back-to-School Support per child is designed to help parents and guardians buy essential items for their children ahead of the school’s commencement on January 29, 2024.

Litia Aditukana traveled from Dawasamu, Tailevu to do her back-to-school shopping and is thankful that all her children will be well-prepared to return to school.

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“Buying books and uniforms this day is quite expensive, and having more children can be really a struggle for most parents, but I am so thankful for the government for such an initiative in assisting parents.”

Aditukana is also urging parents to use the money for their children’s needs rather than unnecessary expenses.


“I’m just pleading with parents to please think of the children. At times, they return to school without the full list of books, but since the government is providing assistance, there should not be an excuse for us parents.”

Another mother from Naitasiri Kasanita Likudakai believes that now is the right time for parents to begin their back-to-school shopping to allow more time to prepare.

The $40.2 million was paid to 200,760 students as part of the first round of payments.

The second round will include around 8,200 applications, which are currently on hold for students yet to be enrolled in Year 13 as they await their Year 12 exam results.