
Random audit checks will be done for Home Care: AG

May 9, 2018 7:22 pm

Acting Prime Minister Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum has called on those that were not affected by the recent Tropical Cyclones and floods to not try and apply for the Home Care Initiative.

This is after a question was asked during a talanoa session in Rakiraki yesterday if the assistance was opened to anyone.

Sayed Khaiyum stressed that the Home Care Initiative were only for those that were affected by floods or the cyclonic winds during TC Josie and Keni.

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“Don’t steal from the system please do not do that because it carries heavy penalties and we will do random checks, what we will do is conduct random audit checks.”

The Acting Prime Minister is calling on Fijians to think of those that were really affected.

“We have a specific law for this, if you get caught you will be sent to prison we want to help everyone that needs the assistance and we have to be honest about that.”

He also gave examples about those that were caught getting assistance after TC Winston but were not affected.