
No fault scheme soon to be introduced:Usamate

June 20, 2018 1:12 am

Discussions are underway between government and the Employment Ministry to introduce a No-fault Scheme under the Workers Compensation reforms.

The scheme will allow workers who are injured at work to receive compensation without having to prove fault.

Employment Minister Jone Usamate says the No fault Scheme was introduced earlier this year by government through the Accident Compensation scheme, and plans are in place to do the same with the workers compensation.

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“Currently when the workers compensation is applied it has to be shown that somebody should be at fault, if the worker did it out of his own negligence or something like that then it is not paid but under the new system if you are at work and it happens compensation has to be paid.”

The No Fault Scheme, once introduced will further enhance the Ministry’s work of providing quality service to Fijians and at the same time delivering social justice to workers.