
More students seek counselling services

March 30, 2021 4:40 pm

Counselling services are being provided to more students as they have been unable to adapt to the changes brought about by the COVID crisis.

A week-long Health Program organized by the University of the South Pacific aims at assisting students who are facing various difficulties.

USP Counselor, Keletu Rayawa says last year has been stressful for many students who had to adapt to a new way of learning.

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“The trend varies depending on what’s happened for example, in this COVID 19 period, restrictions so last year there was an increased number of students coming in the counselling centre because they do not know how to adapt well to this COVID-19.”

Rayawa says, one of the causes for the increase in the number of students seeking counselling are online classes.

She explains that although the online classes ensure students did not lag behind with their studies this however made them feel isolated.

“So students are basically being told to do online at home or wherever they feel they can access the internet so it’s just when they are not in socially interacted and some feel that they are not focusing well.”

Counsellors will be available to students at the Mental Health and Stress Management program at USP’s Laucala Campus