
High demand for Fijian hospitality workers in Australia

October 30, 2022 8:00 am

[Photo Credit: Bar & Restaurant]

Australian employers have shown great interest in recruiting more Fijians because of the commitment and work ethic displayed by locals overseas.

Ausphin, a certified recruitment company plans to recruit 800 local workers from the hospitality sector.

Director of Programs and Compliance Tolga Yilmaz says there are a lot of job opportunities in Australia but their agency utilizes the video resume provided by applicants to be able to best match the needs of candidates and employers.

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“Australia loves Fijian people-they love their work ethics, commitment and that Bula smile and so majority of our partners are very happy with Fijian and so what I can tell the Fijian people, you need to consider Australia because we are creating this positive impact.”

Tolga adds that Fijians are making statements with employers overseas as this is one of the best times to move to Australia because of the opportunities available.

He also stated that applicants are required to provide a video resume outlining their area of work.

In addition, he states that applicants will need to have $A990 to assist them in applying for their visa and the other travel costs but the agency is also providing financial assistance to applicants and this amount is payable once workers reach Australia.