
Performing artists call for support

February 7, 2023 5:20 am

[Source: Centre for the ARTs Suva/Facebook]

Dancers and performing Artists in Fiji are looking forward to more support directed toward emerging youth dancers.

Rako Pasefika Associate Artistic Director, Iane Atalifo says this need to be considered as many youths are part of the talented industry and they also carry the industry in the future.

“The biggest change I would like to see is in support for the industry not only financially but also infrastructure wise creating, giving us ability to express ourselves and to create sustainable living with our passion as it also highlights the cultures that embedded within Fiji as a whole.”

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Atalifo says there is also a diverse range of cultures that deserves to be explored and put into a spotlight on how unique they are and how rich it is in our country.

Today will be the final day of the two-day consultation by the Pasifika Foundation for Development Arts and Entrepreneurship Stakeholder.