
Five deaths caused by illegal use of UBA

November 13, 2017 5:31 pm

The Ministry of Fisheries has recorded five deaths so far this year due to the use of Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

Fisheries Director, Aisake Batibasaga says despite publication of the UBA ban, fishermen continue to use the dangerous equipment.

“In some areas, they are still harvesting using UBA and that is unfortunate but we will follow through and we will even tag everything to the company that is involved, and those that are involved are based in Labasa.”

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Batibasaga said according to research by the Secretariat of the South Pacific community, more than $500,000 are being spent by government to help those harmed, even crippled, by the use illegal UBA equipment.

Those caught using UBA can be fined more than $20, 000 and can face 6 to 12 months imprisonment.