
Agriculture exports grew by eight percent

November 18, 2021 12:05 pm

Agriculture Exports in the last six months increased by eight percent.

Agriculture Minister Dr Mahendra Reddy says there is also a notable increase in demand for Fiji’s agriculture products and this means more work for the sector.

Dr Reddy says markets mostly in Australia, America and New Zealand prefer products from Fiji.

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“Our yaqona is preferred over our competitor’s yaqona, the kava in Vanuatu. There is a huge demand in Australia, New Zealand and America, Dalo and cassava are preferred, yellow cassava is in huge demand in Australia. So when we have resources, we need to put the resources underuse, then only resources will have value.”

Demands for Tumeric and duruka has gone up significantly and the Ministry is working with farmers to keep up.

Doctor Reddy is therefore urging farmers to seek assistance from the Ministry to increase their production.