
WAF works on water infrastructure projects

April 17, 2023 11:06 am

WAF Chief Executive Dr. Amit Chanan

The Water Authority of Fiji is working on three key projects in the Tailevu Province.

While presenting at the Tailevu Provincial Council meeting in Nausori, WAF Chief Executive Dr. Amit Chanan says this includes the recently completed Drekeniwai project.

Dr. Chanan says the Malabi and Vatukarasa village projects are 90 percent complete, which will help address water issues in and around the Central Division.

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He says the other three projects will start in the next three to four months, while the main one is the Nailega to Veinuqa Pipeline Extension.

“This is a $6 million project; currently the tender is being finalized, and that will extend the water supply to the areas.” “So that is a big project that will be commencing shortly once the tender is awarded.”

Dr. Chanan says WAF’s main challenge is the intermittent water supply in the Central Division caused by the unusual dry spell coupled with aging WAF infrastructure.

He says they will be able to address the issue once the Viria Water Project in Naitasiri comes online in July.