TC Harold

FRCS to complete recovery work in 5 months

April 17, 2020 4:30 pm

The Fiji Red Cross Society hopes to complete its post Tropical Cyclone Harold recovery work in five months. [File Photo]

The Fiji Red Cross Society hopes to complete its post Tropical Cyclone Harold recovery work in five months.

16 volunteers are conducting detailed damage assessment in Southern Lau, Kadavu and Yasayasa Moala.

Director Ilisapeci Rokotunidau says due to the COVID-19 restrictions, they’ve carried out an online training or refresher program for over 100 volunteers who live outside Suva.

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She adds their volunteers have been trained by the Ministry of Health to also conduct COVID-19 awareness while they do their assessment.

“For Harold, the Fiji Red Cross is actually supported by the International Federation of Red Cross. But our major funder is the IFRC and they have just contributed a little bit above $900, 000 to assist Red Cross respond to this disaster and to enable our Volunteers to work effectively during a disaster”.

FRCS maintains that they will only distribute non-food items such as household items, shelter kits and jerry cans.

This is to assist Fijians whose houses have been destroyed by TC Harold.

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Posted by FBC News on Tuesday, March 31, 2020

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