
Fijiana XV eye top 10 in World rankings

May 17, 2024 6:59 am

Fiji Rugby Women's High-Performance Manager Alana Thomas

Fiji Rugby Women’s High-Performance Manager Alana Thomas says that this year, the Vodafone Fijiana XV side has a great chance of improving their world rankings and this is something they hope to achieve.

She says that they have nine Test matches lined up, the highest number they’ve had which provides an opportunity to climb the rankings ladder.

Thomas adds that this is an exciting year for women’s rugby in Fiji and that the team is more than capable of making the top 10, given the great talent pool that they have.

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“Currently we’re sitting at 17th in the world, japan is sitting at 11th – so it’s going to be a really good Test for us, Samoa I think are sitting at 15th. So again, playing more Test matches, winning these Test matches, getting opportunities will increase our World ranking.”

She says the talent pool also extends to domestic competitions, which she continues to keep an eye on in terms of selection.

Meanwhile, the ANZ Bosco Trophy goes into round two where Suva will meet Nasinu at Lawaqa Park one this Saturday at 1pm.