
Lack of indigenous values training in tertiary institutions highlighted

May 30, 2024 6:37 am

The shortage of content and training on culture and indigenous values at tertiary institutions was a major concern raised during the Ratu Sukuna Education and Culture Symposium.

Moderator Simioni Sevudredre emphasized the need for comprehensive cultural education, starting from high school and extending into higher education.

Sevudredre pointed out that to effectively teach students about iTaukei culture and values, there must first be a concerted effort to educate the teachers.

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“So, if we have to have teachers, we need to encourage the students to take it up from high school, so that they provide the numbers to take up the lessons at the university level.”

Moderator Simioni Sevudredre

Sevudredre says the symposium aimed to bring students’ voices to the forefront, allowing representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC), and other stakeholders to hear firsthand accounts and perspectives.

The symposium concluded with a call for all stakeholders to collaborate in addressing these gaps and to foster a more culturally informed and educated future generation.

The Ratu Sukuna Day celebrations continue today with Ratu Sukuna Youth Symposium at the Holiday Inn in Suva together with Oratory contest at the Albert Park in Suva.