
Coronavirus: Test negative for foreign national in quarantine

February 8, 2020 4:12 pm

The test result for the foreign national isolated at Nadi Hospital under suspicion for the Coronavirus has turned out to be negative.

The man was put in isolation on Thursday after showing mild signs of a fever.

The Lab samples for confirmatory testing were sent to the WHO Collaborating Centre reference laboratory in Melbourne, Australia.

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The Health Ministry confirms that all persons investigated so far for the 2019 Coronavirus in Fiji have tested negative and there are no confirmed cases in Fiji.

Health Minister Dr. Ifereimi Waqainabete further adds that as the symptoms of Coronavirus are very similar to many other respiratory illnesses (including colds and influenza) it is expected that with time the Ministry will investigate more persons with relevant travel history and symptoms related to it.

This, Dr. Waqainabete says should not alarm the public, as this is an indication of the level of alert Fiji is maintaining for this globally spreading disease.

Meanwhile, he highlights that Fiji has implemented travel restrictions for those travelling from China in a bid to keep the virus out of the country.