
TD05F unlikely to develop into a tropical cyclone: Prakash

February 11, 2024 12:44 pm

[Source: Fiji Meteorological Services]

Tropical depression 05F is unlikely to develop into a tropical cyclone due to the unfavorable environment.

However Acting Director for Fiji Meteorological Services, Bipen Prakash, says TD05F is moving closer to the Fiji group, and as such, occasional rain can be expected, which can be heavier at times.

Prakash says there will be sunny breaks in between the rain bands.

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He adds that the weather is expected to start to ease later tomorrow or Tuesday.

“I would also like to emphasize that there’s also the possibility of strong winds over parts of the country, especially the Yasawa and Mamanuta groups, western and northern Viti Levu, northern Bua, and Macuata provinces, including some of the smaller islands close to Macuata province.”

Prakash adds that strong northwesterly winds can be expected, which can be up to 45 and gust up to 55 knots.

However, destructive or damaging winds are not expected.