
Permit free entry for those registered in VKB

May 27, 2023 4:29 pm

[Source: File]

Cabinet has approved the extension of visa and permit free entry to persons registered in the Vola ni Kawa Bula and the descendants of all communities who have made Fiji their home including the Girmitiyas.

Yesterday, Cabinet approved the Immigration (Amendment) Bill 2023 that will be tabled in the next Sitting of Parliament.

The Bill has been drafted by the Office of the Attorney General following extensive public consultations and will reinstate section 8(1) (g) of the Immigration Act which was repealed in 2010.

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This Section provides that a non-citizen whose name appears in the VKB be allowed entry to Fiji without a permit or visa.

The consultations also heard submissions from the public and members of the community for non-citizens who are descendants of communities who have made Fiji their home including the descendants of Girmitiya, to also be able to enter and/or reside in Fiji without permit or visa.

This will include descendants of Rotuman, Chinese, European, Ni-Vanuatu and Solomon Islander communities and including Pacific Island communities who have made Fiji their home and contributed to the development of the nation.

Cabinet approved the exempted categories to be added to the list of non-citizens who may enter and reside in Fiji without permit or visa.

Cabinet authorised the Minister for Home Affairs, National Security & Immigration to issue Regulation under section 8(3) of the Immigration Act 2003 to add the exempted categories to the list of persons who may enter or reside in Fiji without a visa or permit.

The intent is to facilitate the return of non-citizens who are descendants of communities who have made Fiji their home to visit and/or reside in Fiji.