Fijian Election

Voters in Navua turn out to vote

December 14, 2022 6:37 am

A few voters have already turned up at the Navua Agricultural Station in Naitonitoni to cast their vote.

A few voters have already turned up at the Navua Agricultural Station in Naitonitoni to cast their vote.

The Navua Agricultural Station is among the 855 polling places for today.

68-year-old voter Niranjan Prasad, who has been casting his vote at this polling venue since the last two General Election turned up just after 6am today.

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He says he just wants to perform his duty as a voter and enjoy the rest of the day with his family.

Prasad says he will now eagerly await the provisional results from this evening.

There are at least seven other voters who turned up early to cast their vote.