Fijian Election

Double-blind data entry to ensure no discrepancies: SoE

December 14, 2022 4:30 am

The Fijian Elections Office has a process to follow in case a discrepancy is picked up by its counting and results database.

Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed Saneem says they will be undertaking double-blind data entry to ensure there are no discrepancies when counting gets underway and results are received.

Saneem says double-blind data entry will involve two people entering the same data and if it matches, a third person will cure it before it goes into the system.

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He says if the data does not match, the system will pick up a discrepancy.

“If there is a discrepancy, the system will not accept it and it will go for re-entry. When it goes back for re-entry, it will have to be re-entered two times. Not like the second time. So, when it goes back for re-entry, maybe the first person made an error – the system will pick it up from the second person, it will go back and it will start from scratch again, start again. That’s why we take four days.”

After the results are verified, they are then printed and the flushing of the database will take place.