
FCS enforces strict measures following breach of privacy

May 27, 2024 6:16 am

The Fiji Corrections Service has taken disciplinary action against officers involved in unauthorized release of photographs of former Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho inside a corrections facility this month.

The picture surfaced as the former COMPOL was sentenced to two years for abuse of office earlier this month.

FCS Commissioner Dr. Jalesi Nakarawa says they have identified and disciplined the officers involved in this serious breach of privacy.

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He says officers have been reminded that individuals sentenced by the courts retain their rights to privacy as provided in the constitution.

The FCS Commissioner says the actions taken against these officers reflect their commitment to upholding these rights and ensuring that such incidents do not happen again.

In addition to the disciplinary measures, Commissioner Nakarawa has issued a strict directive prohibiting the entry of cameras or gadgets with cameras into correctional institutions by visitors.

Dr Nakarawa says the incident involving the former Police Commissioner has highlighted the need for stringent oversight and enhanced security protocols within FCS facilities.

He says they are taking this matter very seriously and are working diligently to restore public confidence in their system.