
Commission initiates campaign to fill vacant chiefly titles

December 1, 2023 1:16 pm

In a significant development, the iTaukei Lands and Fisheries Commission has launched a concerted effort to address the issue of vacant chiefly titles across districts.

This initiative marks a pivotal step towards revitalizing traditional leadership structures and ensuring the succession of leadership within local communities.

According to the Commission Chair, Apimeleki Tola, they are diligently working to fill the void left by unoccupied chiefly titles, signaling a commitment to maintaining the integrity and cultural significance of these roles.

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The Commission Chair, Apimeleki Tola

Tola says there will be a significant change from the previous approach, which reflects the Commission’s commitment to improving and expediting the selection process.

“Within this awareness campaign, we will also work on the differences that are there and make recommendations on the chiefly titles.”

Tola reiterates that the Commission will be leading an awareness campaign in every district as part of this endeavor.

According to the Chairman, the goal of this campaign is to raise community awareness of the significance of chiefly titles and the procedures associated with their appointment.

So far this year, 206 vacant titles have been filled.