
ANZ amplifying cyber security awareness

March 1, 2024 6:32 am

The Australia and New Zealand Bank of Fiji is amplifying its cyber security awareness initiatives in response to the ever-increasing threat landscape.

ANZ Fiji Country Head Rabih Yazbek emphasized the critical nature of cyber security, stating that cyber risks pose a significant and growing challenge.

He says they are committed to protecting its customers and operations from malicious actors.

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“We feel like we can bring a lot of value to consumers in general, businesses in general, leveraging our experiences in Australia, Asia and New Zealand and so we will be doing a lot more to uplift awareness of cyber security so holding sessions through this week to try and raise awareness and later on be very cognizant of what is coming when it comes to cyber risks and we should be thinking about protecting Fijian economy against cyber risks. “

Yazbek says they are heightening their awareness amidst the growing threats.

“On one hand, we will do sessions in person, we will be running online training for our clients so we will prepare materials for them to read and share with their colleagues. It’s going to be a big piece of work for the next few years. “

The bank also calls on individuals to seek assistance if they feel their banking systems are being attacked.