TC Harold

494 houses so far destroyed by TC Harold

April 17, 2020 7:27 am

494 houses in Southern Lau, Kadavu and the Western Division were completely destroyed by Tropical Cyclone Harold. [Source: NDMO]

494 houses in Southern Lau, Kadavu and the Western Division were completely destroyed by Tropical Cyclone Harold.

National Disaster Management Office Director Vasiti Soko says the statistics was gathered yesterday afternoon from teams on the ground who are conducting detailed damage assessments.

Out of the 494 houses destroyed, 109 was recorded from Lau, 157 from Kadavu and 228 houses in the Western Division.

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Soko adds a few evacuation centers remain active, a week now since TC Harold struck Fiji.

“In the Western Division we have a total number of 4 Evacuation Centers still open with 57 Evacuees. In the Central Divsion we have 15 Evacuation Centers still open with 241 Evacuees. In the Eastern Division we have a total number 57 Evacuation Centers still open with 1, 273 Evacuees”.

Government officials on board MV Ohana are currently conducting damage assessments and food rations distributions in Ono-i-Lau.

Other government officials and representatives from non-government organizations are currently conducting rehabilitation work in Kadavu, Vatulele, Beqa and Yanuca.