Natural Disaster

Teams mobilized for initial damage assessments

November 15, 2023 5:00 pm

The Divisional Commissioners have started mobilizing their teams to conduct initial damage assessments, post Tropical Cyclone Mal.

Speaking during a press conference this afternoon, National Disaster Management Office Director Vasiti Soko says the divisional commissioners have been requested to prioritize the schools used as evacuation centres.

Soko adds that the schools will be disinfected and will be ready for resumptions of classes tomorrow.

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She adds that those who still need to remain in the evacuation centre will be moved to a community hall while their homes are assessed.

Soko has commended the resilience of Fijians.

“The teams on the ground are currently assessing the evacuation centres, and the numbers are quite high. I would like to acknowledge the people of Fiji for taking the messages into action and moving into the evacuation centres. So these numbers are very high because people took precautionary measures. By this afternoon, we expect the numbers to drastically drop.”

Soko adds that the NDMO will start moving into the distribution of essential food items for those affected.