FNPF assistance expanded to sole proprietors

April 5, 2020 7:01 am

Economy Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum

Sole proprietors who have been affected by COVID-19 can also be assisted by the Fiji National Provident Fund.

Proprietors such as taxi and mini-van drivers among others can be assisted.

Economy Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says the FNPF has allocated funds for this, ready to roll out on Thursday.

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The expanded assistance is targeted at workers unable to travel to work due to the lock down or other restrictions implemented by the government.

“Lock down areas which include Suva and Lautoka which also include those people who are unable to attend work or go to work because of certain directives given by the government. For example, if you work in the nightclub or gym etc”.

FNPF Chief Executive Jaoji Koroi says sole proprietors, small business operators and others covered by this policy have to submit relevant forms.

“They need to bring in the completed form and the copy of their permit from the owner and the authorization or certification from the owner that he/she is the driver”.

The FNPF is currently investigating employers who have not been forthcoming with contributions which have hindered employees accessing the assistance.

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