
Manufacturing company experiences growth

March 31, 2024 4:24 pm

Managing Director Saleshni Vikash

A local aluminium manufacturing company, Damalco has experienced growth and development in its business over the last 45 years since its incorporation in 1974.

Managing Director Saleshni Vikash says businesses have developed from manufacturing, wholesaling and now retailing, which also creates employment for locals.

Vikash says Damalco is the only company in the South Pacific that manufactures aluminum pots and pans just like any other local investment company, they have overcome challenges over the years.

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“Starting up a business is not easy, but once you get into it, you will surely benefit. A few years will be tough, but as you go along, you will build up your sales.”

Vikash states that currently they have also expanded their products from pots and pans to bakeware and other cooking ware.

She adds that Fiji has a lot of potential and market for inspiring businesses to invest in, as it will not only help with profitable business growth but also contribute to Fiji’s economy.