Rugby League

Wainimala Secondary girls starts on a high

March 4, 2024 7:39 am

Wainimala Secondary School girls’ rugby league side is aiming for success as they launched their campaign in the Fiji Secondary School Pherrus Trophy with a strong start on the weekend.

The Naitasiri School defeated St Vincent 22-4 in their opening match.

Head coach, Nasa Radamanu is determined to build upon this success for future competitions, using it as a stepping stone towards more achievements.

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Radamanau says the victory was particularly gratifying for Wainimala Secondary, considering the obstacles they had to overcome to participate in this round.

“Last year we finished off in the zone quarterfinals but this year we aim to make it to the last four”

Wainimala Secondary is hopeful they will repeat the same form this week.