
Naliva out to reclaim title

May 24, 2024 6:41 am

[Source: Sebastian Sniper Singh/ Facebook]

Former champion Savenaca Naliva is ready to re-claim the vacant WBF Asia Pacific cruiserweight title when he takes on Sebastian Singh next month in Suva.

The Ba lad says he has done his homework and believes this fight will just be a walk in the park.

Naliva expresses his hunger to win this title, as he has done it before.

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“My target is to win that title belt, there’s nothing more to it. We are both here for the win and there will be nothing and no-one stopping me.”

He says it was not easy switching weight categories, but has been preparing for three months and will not be making any excuses.

“It was a challenging switching weight categories, it required my undivided attention and hard work, and it really makes me happy to see that I have progressed well.”

Meanwhile, in the other fights, James Singh will face Semi Dauloloma for the Heavy weight title fight of Fiji.

Ratu Rakuro Daunivavana faces Jese Ravudi for the welterweight title of Fiji.

Mohammed Ali takes on Ronald Naidu for the light welterweight title, while Junior Binnu Singh meets Zulfikaar Ali for the featherweight belt.

The Bluewater Boxing Promotions will be held on the 22nd of next month at the Vodafone Arena in Suva.