
Will Rabuka stand by his decision: Kumar

January 21, 2024 4:58 pm

Opposition Member of Parliament Premila Kumar and Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka

Opposition Member of Parliament Premila Kumar has questioned whether Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka will remain resolute in his decision to dismiss the Minister of Education Aseri Radrodro.

Kumar claims Rabuka is seen as a leader who grapples with decision-making and shows a lack of commitment, raising concerns about his ability to lead this country.

She says Rabuka’s tendency to flip-flop has been evident since assuming the role of Fiji’s Prime Minister.

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The FijiFirst MP says it began with a mini-budget, where he initially asserted its necessity because some reallocations cannot be done according to law.

However, Kumar claims his finance minister contradicted this statement, declaring there will be no mini-budget.

Kumar says surprisingly, Rabuka backed down without taking any action against Biman Prasad for insubordination.

Kumar also recalls that during a parliamentary debate last year, Rabuka, along with all 55 members, supported a motion against the disposal of nuclear wastewater in the Pacific Ocean.

Despite this parliamentary endorsement, Rabuka took a conflicting stance, supporting the discharge of Fukushima waste into the ocean.

She adds this inconsistency again raises questions about his leadership.

Kumar also says that the cabinet reshuffle announced in October last year was abruptly halted as Cabinet Ministers questioned the decision-making process and the lack of effective communication.

She says once again, Rabuka backtracked on his decision.

The Opposition MP says as the Prime Minister grapples with a reputation for indecision and weak leadership, the repercussions are felt by businesses and consumers experiencing a high cost of living, increased corporate taxes and duties, and a rise in skilled worker migration.

She adds Rabuka’s lack of commitment to decisive governance has eroded confidence among consumers, businesses, and investors, negatively impacting the economy.