
Training for enforcement officers critical: Sharma

February 28, 2024 12:34 pm

Permanent Secretary Seema Sharma

The Ministry of Local Government reveals plans to effectively conduct training sessions for municipality enforcement officers to ensure they maintain professional standards in their roles.

This decision comes in response to a recent incident in which Nasinu Town Council enforcement officers were reportedly captured in a social media video engaging in harassment of a family selling vegetables in Nasinu.

While investigations into this incident are ongoing, Permanent Secretary Seema Sharma emphasizes the importance of collaboration with the 13 municipalities and their special administrators.

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She adds they will work to organize and deliver relevant training programs for enforcement officers, recognizing the challenging nature of their responsibilities.

“Sometimes yeah it does get difficult for them you know also when they’re out there but yeah it’s no excuse. There’s a there’s a there’s a decorum to be maintained so we will be working with the councils to run training for enforcement officers.”

Sharma adds the Ministry is committed to equipping enforcement officers with the necessary skills and ethics to carry out their duties effectively.