
Sabha condemns offensive ginger beer label

January 3, 2024 5:43 am

[Photo: Supplied]

The Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji is urging all supermarkets and retails shops to immediately remove any liquor products which contains pictures of Hindu Deities.

The call comes after Lord Ganesh’s photo was spotted on Brookvale Union Ginger Beer label in one of the renowned supermarkets in Fiji.

The Sabha says supermarkets and retails shops should validate the products before it is put on shelve.

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It says these kinds of acts hurt the sentiments of the Sanatan Dharm followers.

The Sabha adds this is an insult to the deities.

The Sabha says that all Sanatan Dharm followers around the world are preparing for the celebration of Ayodhya Ram Mandir inauguration in India later this month, and this type of marketing approach is seen as an attempt to undermine the teachings of the Sabha.