
Namosimalua says Rasova adhered to requirements

April 9, 2024 4:49 pm

Former Social Democratic Liberal Party Member of Parliament Simione Rasova

Former Secretary General to Parliament Viniana Namosimalua gave evidence in court today in the trial against former Social Democratic Liberal Party Member of Parliament Simione Rasova.

Rasova is alleged to have falsely stated that his permanent place of residence was in Nasenivolau, Nabouwalu village, Ono, Kadavu Island, and obtained $21,350 between July 2019 and April 2020.

Namosimalua appearing as a FICAC witness, informed the Court that Rasova adhered to the requirements of the parliamentary act on changing of permanent residence.

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The former secretary general further says that the initial permanent address that was submitted by the accused on November 23, 2018 was 208 Waimanu Rd. Suva, which was tendered as exhibit 6.

Namosimalua further says that Rasova submitted another form with an authority letter from Nabouwalu Village headman, Aisake Biu, on May 2, 2019, informing the parliament about his permanent address.

When questioned by FICAC prosecutor Josann Pene on her understanding of permanent residency, Namosimalua says it is a place of residence for the purpose of settling or living there permanently.

The trial will continue tomorrow.