
Minister briefed on BusinessNOW FIJI Project

December 1, 2023 9:38 am

[Source: Facebook]

The Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, and Small and Medium Enterprises held their second Working Committee Meeting for the BusinessNOW FIJI Project this week.

The Integrated Project Management Team updated Minister Manoa Kamikamica and participants on the significant progress made in terms of its delivery and development.

Participating agencies also gave their assurance of commitment to effectively support and participate in their respective deliverable tasks for this project, especially to be in line with the timeline for the SABS system rollout.

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They also discussed schedules and work plans.

Key leaders of government agencies involved in both subsystems under the project, the Starting a Business Sub-system and the Building Permit and Approval System phase were also in attendance.

The next working committee is scheduled for March next year.