
MoE stresses financial transparency in schools

January 15, 2024 12:27 pm

[File Photo]

The Education Ministry is issuing a firm reminder to schools, emphasizing they cannot charge any fees from students or parents.

However, funds collected through the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) in various schools must be properly documented, following complaints from parents about schools seeking additional funds.

This has been highlighted by Permanent Secretary Selina Kuruleca, who states that PTAs must be legitimate to collect money.

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“The complaints that we have received, we’ve dealt with them with the various schools that have been involved. At the end of the day, we also want to say to our parents and to the community: This is for your children. For my children. I’ve been asked to make a donation to the school for my kids. And I give it. Why? Because it might help buy toilet paper for the toilets.”

Kuruleca urges Parents Teachers Associations to conduct ministerial meetings for decisions on fund collection, utilization, and proper accountability.