
Commercial activities thrive at Maui Bay Jetty

December 8, 2023 4:03 pm

The Maui Bay Jetty along the Coral Coast in Sigatoka has evolved into a thriving source of income for numerous families, emerging as a favored stopover for commuters traveling along the Queens Highway.

From fresh fruits and savory pies to intricate handicrafts, the Maui Bay Jetty has become a one-stop destination for those seeking both essentials and unique finds.

A commuter, Margaret Cotter says the jetty has blossomed into a hive of commercial activities.

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“This is our stopover when we are traveling down to the west and we always come and enjoy the breeze or have a picnic on the beach or just take a walk down the jetty and take photos so this is a popular stop over for families and friends.”

Handicraft vendor Mereisi who lost her job at a nearby resort says the locals in the area have seized the opportunity, offering a variety of goods and services to the growing number of visitors and passersby.

“I have been selling here for almost 2 years now, it has helped us people who live along this area and it has become our source of income. People who are unemployed like me come here to sell some handicrafts goods to help us sustain our lives economically.”

Handicraft vendor Mereisi

Mereisi says with Christmas and New Year’s approaching they expect the place to get busier.