
Bus drivers can redeem e-ticketing cards : Prasad

March 4, 2024 6:25 am

Vodafone Chief Marketing Officer Rajnesh Prasad highlights that concerns have been raised regarding bus drivers’ inability to redeem bus cards using e-ticketing machines on board buses, leading to inconvenience for passengers.

Reports indicate that some drivers have directed passengers to Vodafone outlets for card redemption, despite assurances from Vodafone officials that all bus terminals support the redemption function.

Prasad emphasizes that all bus terminals should have the necessary infrastructure to support card redemption through e-ticketing machines.

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“We have trained the bus drivers. We have informed the bus operators as part of our discussions with the bus operators as well as the Minister for Communication we have highlighted that there is some obligation with the bus operators as well as the drivers to ensure that they continue to provide the service to the general public.”

Prasad reiterates Vodafone’s commitment to assisting bus operators and drivers.

According to the General Manager of Central Transport Company, Subnesh Chand, all central transport drivers have comprehended and are adhering to the procedure.

“For Central Bus, if any passenger tells the driver to redeem the card, we are doing it. I have seen it for myself. Sometimes, I go and watch in Nabua. Some passengers do come and tell the drivers to redeem the card, and our drivers are doing that, but for other companies, I don’t know.”

Vodafone has stated that it is prepared to offer further support when required to resolve the issues bus drivers are having with using e-ticketing devices to redeem their bus cards.