
FFA to Investigate Loaniceva’s Misconduct as coach expresses dismay

October 12, 2023 8:45 pm

Epeli Loaniceva [jersey number 22] threw punches and attempted to stamp on Jackson Wale as he lay on the ground.

A critical mistake from Ajay Trading Rewa’s goalkeeper, Epeli Loaniceva, became the catalyst for the team’s exit from the Courts Inter District Championship, concluding with a 2-1 triumph for Aldex Trading/River Tubing Navua.

Following a tussle with Navua’s Jackson Wale, Loaniceva was red-carded, setting up a successful penalty kick from Jarred Rongosulia and a decisive goal from Kolinio Sivoki, handing Navua the win.

The red card was due to punches thrown and also Loaniceva attempted to stamp on Wale as he lay on the ground.

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Rewa’s coach, Rodeck Singh, voiced his disappointment in Loaniceva’s unruly behavior.

“Pretty much disappointed with the discipline factor of the goalkeeper, not happy with him,” Singh revealed. “We were winning and then one simple mistake like that cost us the game.”

While Singh recognized Loaniceva’s talent, he emphasized the need for accountability: “It’s our job to apologize, in sports there is no room for such violent conduct and neither will Rewa entertain such conduct.”

Fiji Football Associations Competitions Manager, Amitesh Pal, asserted that proper channels will be followed regarding Loaniceva’s misconduct:

“He will be referred to our disciplinary committee for further actions. It is an independent committee; they will make a fair decision.”

As the FFA embarks on its investigative process, the spotlight falls on the imperative nature of player discipline and management’s role in enforcing it amidst competitive settings.